Friday, May 8, 2015


Halloween was simply wonderful since it was the first weekend we moved back into the house (I was have nightmares about having to trick or treat the hotel halls!).  Elise dressed up during the day as a candy corn and in the evening was the sweetest little owl.  Ashton told me months before that he wanted to be a ghost.  Well, they don’t sell ghost costumes.   Fortunately, my mom is very crafty and a great seamstress so she came to the rescue.  It was mostly done and then I asked Ashton whether he wanted to be a friendly ghost or a scary ghost…of course he chose scary.  So, I made a quick trip out to get some spiders, sewed those onto his costume and voila….Scary Ghost!  He loved it.  And he loved answering the door for all of the trick or treaters...It was so fun! 

K & J