Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Andrea Poppins

After much thought, we've decided to hire a nanny to care for Ashton when I return to work.  Her name is Andrea and we couldn't be any more excited to have her join us!  We screened and interviewed a number of candidates and ultimately decided that Andrea was the right fit for us when Ashton had a bit of a meltdown and she complimented his stellar 'singing'.  :)

Andrea is a former lead teacher for the infant room at a local daycare.  For the past two years, she has been a nanny for a family with two little girls who are now entering preschool and no longer require full time care. She had the little girls in her wedding this past September, which I thought was so sweet.  We feel extremely lucky to have found her and knowing that she will be with Ashton will make my return to work so much more manageable.  Speaking of, the dreaded countdown has begun....T-5 days.

Andrea and Ashton

It's Ralphie!....I mean Ashton (clearly taken before the weather turned)

Loving my activity mat

Holding my head up high

K & J

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Road Trip

This past weekend we took Ashton on his first road trip to Delaware.  It was a great trip - too short as usual but wonderful to see everyone.  Ashton managed pretty well in the car - we stopped a couple times to let him eat and stretch his legs and eventually arrived in Wilmington around 1:30am on Thursday night/Friday am. 

We kicked off the weekend on Friday night with a visit to Erin and Josh's new pad in Philly.  Grammy and Grandad graciously offered to watch Ashton so we could have a night out on the town.  We got to check out their new place, which is fab, and then enjoyed a wonderful dinner together.  On Saturday, we celebrated St. Patty's Day with a home cooked corned beef and cabbage dinner complete with soda bread and Irish potatoes for dessert.  My best friend from high school, Goldie, and her adorable daughter Katie joined us, which was super fun.  We capped off the weekend on Sunday with a trip to enjoy the amazing weather at Bellevue State Park and then had a big family dinner to introduce the little man.  Sadly, with all of the excitement, I spaced on taking photos during dinner on Sunday. :(

All in all, it was a great trip and so wonderful to see everyone!   

Jeff and I at Erin and Josh's new pad

Erin and Josh
Erin and I and a giant goose!
Goldie and Katie, Ashton and me

Ashton's First St. Patty's Day!

Bellevue State Park
Grammy, Grandad, Ashton and Me - Bellevue
On our way back home
K & J

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Aliens are Coming, the Aliens are Coming!!

How do we know?  Clearly someone has taken our child in the middle of the night and replaced him with a baby that sleeps.  Ashton slept for 7-8 hours IN A ROW the past two nights.  I'm almost afraid to even put this in print - I certainly don't want to jinx us!  I've been replaying the days events over and over in my mind to try to determine what the secret may have been...was it our walk? our various outings? the cluster feeding at night? Hmmmm....could have been all of these items combined.  It could be a fluke too of course but even if he reverts back to his prior days, we at least know it's possible for him to sleep that long and most importantly, we have HOPE.  Hope that he's turning the corner and for this sleep deprived mama, that is good enough for me!  

On another sleeping note, he recently put himself down for a nap.  That's right.  I laid him down in his crib for a few minutes while I went to make the bed and when I returned a few moments later, he was asleep!  Oh how I love this child!

Baby Houdini manages to break one arm out of his swaddle. :)

Sweet baby boy

Rockin' my Brooklyn Brewing onesie - thanks Auntie Karen & Uncle Christian!

K & J


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Our Little Butter Bean

Ashton had his two month check-up this week.  He had to get several shots which he took like a champ - even the nurse commented how brave he was.  He packed on the pounds this past month and now weighs 10lbs 11oz, jumping into the 50th percentile for weight (from the 25th percentile last month).  He's now nearly two feet tall (if he could stand of course!), which puts him in the 50th percentile for height also (down from 75th percentile last month).  In other words, he's perfectly proportioned! Our little string bean has grown into a darling little butter bean!

It's only appropriate then that 'Bean' is one of his many nicknames.  We call him any variety of nicknames ranging from 'Bean', 'Beanie Baby', 'Babycake', 'Cake', 'Bugaboo', 'Babypotamous', 'Bird', 'Lil' Squirt', 'Little Man', 'Cheeks Taylor', 'Worm', and 'Mr. Wiggles' to name a few.  I started shortening Ashton to 'A' at times, but realized I sound Canadian when doing so, 'How are you doing, A'?  Makes me giggle everytime...

He's really become much more interactive over the past month also.  He makes lots of funny faces including sticking out his tongue, giving the stink eye, furrowing his brow and offering up gummy grins to melt your heart.  He's especially smiley in the morning, which makes waking up so much more tolerable.  He loves his activity mat and looking at his reflection in the mirror.  He's holding his head up pretty well also but you still have to watch out for some erratic 'Bobble Head Baby' episodes.  He also loves music and will often sing (or coo) along.  One of my favorite developments is that he will now put his arms around your neck - it's the sweetest thing, like a little baby hug. 

Sleep-wise, things are also starting to improve.  He has given us 4 nights (yes, we are counting!)where he has slept 5 hours in a row - woo hoo!  Hopefully, he'll start stringing those 5 hour nights together into a pattern soon.  He's sleeping in his own room now too.  Such a big boy...(sniff, sniff).

We've also started going to Baby Yoga, which has been great for both of us.  We get to do some yoga and learn some fun new songs to sing and at the end, Ashton gets a baby massage.  It's a tough life, right? 

Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to my return to work next month.  I've loved being home with my little man and have so enjoyed our time together and getting to know him.  We love you Ashton Trex!

Popster (my dad) wants to know if you're going to be a lefty.

We took advantage of a few nice days in Cleveland this month!

Looking like such a big boy!

 Chilling by the fire with Daddy.

Tummy time with Wally the Whale

Cutest lifeguard (even with my grandpa pants)!

K & J