Saturday, July 14, 2012

15lbs and 27.5 inches of love

Ashton had his 6 month check up recently and as the title stats indicate, he's growing like a weed (albeit a long thin weed :D)!  Where did our little baby go?!?  This most recent check up puts him in the 90th percentile for length and back in the 10th percentile for weight.  His Doctor assured us that his weight was fine and not unusual for exclusively breastfed babies.  As his Aunt Erin lovingly reassured me, "He's just a baby model - tall and thin." Love her. 

In other exciting news, Ashton is sitting up now!  He's very proud of this new accomplishment and in fact, will now longer lay down in his bath tub.  He insists on sitting up!  He still loves anything musical and really seems to enjoy the water.  He's been swimming quite a bit recently.  We bought him a baby pool for the back yard but haven't had a chance to test it out yet.  He also LOVES dogs.  The sound of a dog barking is a guaranteed smile and more likely to result in an all out giggle fest.  Admittedly, Jeff and I have taken to public bouts of barking on numerous occasions to see our little man light up. 

Ashton's also becoming more and more vocal.  He usually alters between a yoga-like 'Ommmmmm' to an 'Awwwoooooo' Werewolves of Thunder singing routine.  Occasionally he mixes it up with some crazy loud 'Ahhhhhh' sounds to really test out his vocal chords.  Needless to say, we find his performances very entertaining.

Food-wise, he started eating solids shortly before his 6 month bday.  His current food repertoire consists of bananas (loves!), plums (likes), peaches (likes a lot), apricots (likes a lot), plain yogurt (likes), rice cereal (blagh) and carrots (not a fan on their own).  Next up, veggies!!

Below are a few of our recent favorite pics and a couple of videos.  The first video is of Ashton cracking up at my dad's dog, JR, and the second is of Ashton going crazy in his jumperoo.  I can't figure out how to rotate the video so it's right side up - sorry! 

Sitting up proud!

Rock star

Why is it that boys always have the longest eyelashes?

Ashton, the one man band

K & J

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Super Grammy to the Rescue

While Andrea (Ashton’s nanny) was on vacation, Grammy traveled to Cleveland for a few days to help us take care of the little man while Jeff and I were working.  Grammy reported that Ashton was ‘an absolute angel’.  Now, this coming from a woman who thinks Ashton bears a striking resemblance to the Gerber baby (as does Grandma Nat, btw – gotta love grandparents!) should be taken with a grain of salt of course, but we were pleased to hear that he was on his best behavior for her.  They had lots of fun exploring the area, taking walks to the lake and even venturing out to mark Ashton's first trip to the Cleveland Zoo. 

During the visit, we also celebrated Ashton’s half birthday, complete with a few small gifts and ice cream cake.  I recognize that this may border on spoiling but given Ashton's Xmas birthday, it only seems right that he receive some extra bday love.  And yes, we'll promised to do the same for any future children also (at least for the first year)... :)

Thanks again, Grammy, for helping us out and taking such good care of the little man.  He misses you already!

Ashton loves bath time, especially with Grammy!

Yay!  Grammy's here!

Ashton tried carrots for the first time - he wasn't a fan!  Fortunately, Grammy was there to suggest we try a sweeter fruit first (ie. bananas, peaches, etc).  Silly mommy, poor bebe!  The cute bib is one of the handmade ones that were crafted at Ashton's baby shower.  This one is courtesy of Aunt Erin.

Excited for his walk!

Saying goodbye...

Happy Fourth!
K & J