Sunday, April 21, 2013

Little Drummer Boy

Following in his father's footsteps, Ashton is quite the little drummer.  It's one of the first toys he plays with when he wakes up and he makes numerous stops throughout the day to bang on his drums.  We recently went down to the lake during a wonderfully warm day and Ashton was quick to improvise his favorite toy, grabbing a stick and banging away on a log.  Daddy was proud!

Fortunately, the ice is melted now!


K & J

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spaghetti Face!

Ashton is something of a carboholic...he LOVES pasta!  He's also become quite independent and insists on eating with silverware (and if he has his way, a metal fork!), which makes for some messy but fun meal times.  Here's our dear sweet boy enjoying a spaghetti dinner. 

K & J

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ashton, the Pedestrian

Ashton took his first steps at the end of January and after a few weeks quickly began walking.  Talk about going from 0 to 60mph?!?  He literally wasn’t walking one day and the next he was walking everywhere AND quickly also!  We captured a few of these moments on video (below) and you’ll notice that during his second walking stint, he’s even mastered the art of multi-tasking.     

K & J

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Little Gym

Ashton started at Little Gym this winter.  It’s a great way for him to burn off some energy during those snowy days and he gets to interact with other little tykes.  He loves it and is apparently a bit of daredevil, fearlessly doing flips and all sorts of other acrobatics on the mats.  Plus, he gets a stamp at the end of each class, which he very much enjoys also!  Here are a few pics of one of his sessions….

Gearing up for class!

Shake it!

Doing rolls with Ms. Lindsey

K & J

Thursday, April 4, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

We celebrated St. Pat's this year at home.  Our little leprauchan ate his first dinner of corned beef and cabbage and was a good sport when we dressed him up from top to toe in green garb.  :) 

What a ham!

Thanks Grandma Nat and Grandaddy for my cute socks!

K & J