Thursday, February 27, 2014

Elise - 7 Days Old

We had Elise's newborn pics taken by the same photographer who has been capturing Ashton's growth over the past two years - Rachel Cohara.  We were really happy that she was able to capture those precious first days with our little lady!


K & J

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Welcoming Elise Catherine!

At 10:16am on January 16th (my dad's birthday!), we welcomed Elise Catherine to the world!  What a joyous day!  She weighed in at 7 lbs 1oz and measured 19 1/4 inches long.

I was determined to work up until her birth so I had as much time as possible to spend with her once she arrived.  Fortunately, my boss was very flexible and had allowed me to work from home.  The only challenge with this plan was that when my labor did set in around 9:30pm on January 15th, I was tired!  I had worked all day, we had just put Ashton to bed and sat down to dinner ourselves when I started feeling 'funny'.  Since my water broke with Ashton and I ultimately had to be induced because contractions weren't happening on their own, I wasn't really sure if what I was feeling was in fact the real thing though. 

So, I carried on...never one to skip a meal, I had dinner and tried to relax with some TV.  Things seemed like they were getting more intense though, so I decided to get in the shower - just in case. :)  Afterwards, I laid down to try and get some rest and then at about 2am called my doctor.  She advised us to come to the hospital.  Fortunately, my mom was staying with us so we got our stuff together, woke her up, kissed Ashton goodbye and headed downtown to the hospital.

By the time we arrived, my contractions had increased and I was pretty sure at that point it was the real deal.  Turns out, I was right; I was 4.5 cm dilated.  I knew I was getting an epidural this time around so at 6:30am and about 5.5cm, I called uncle.  What sweet relief!  I could rest finally as I was super tired.  We turned down the lights, kicked on Pandora and zoned out to some chill music.  Around 8am, my water was broken since I hadn't progressed very far.  Two hours later, at 10cm, I was ready to push!  It was all such a peaceful process - so much so that Jeff had to be woken up!  After literally 2 or 3 pushes, Elise made her grand entrance.  It was honestly surreal - it all happened so quickly!

What a sweet baby girl!  Elise Catherine, you are such a blessing and we're so glad to have you in our lives!

First moments with our sweet baby girl.

Daddy's little girl already.

Ashton loves his new sissy also.

Melts my heart. :)

Taking our little bean home...

Love that face!

K & J

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy birthday, Ashton!

On Ashton's birthday, we woke up to yet more presents and lots of 'oh my's'. To say he was in 7th heaven would be an understatement. Later that day, we headed out for Ashton's bday dinner to dine on all of his favorites - beans, rice and guacamole of course! We decided to try out a New Mexican restaurant for the occasion, which happened to be housed in a building that looked like a castle. Bonus points! After dinner, we went to a fish store to pick out Ashton's bday present.   He loves Nemo and as his bday gift, he got his very own clownfish to take home!  

Ashton, we can hardly believe that you are 2!  You've brought us so much joy and happiness over the past couple years.  You are full of energy and always manage to make us smile.  You're a funny bunny and love to play hide and seek, make silly faces and engaging in other 'rascal' behavior.  :)  You LOVE trains, dump trucks, cars and building blocks/Legos.  Every night before you go to bed, you always ask the same question...'When we wake up, build blocks?'.  You still love the bath and would spend an hour in there, if we let you!  You're fiercely independent and definitely a bit stubborn (you come by it honestly).  You also enjoy dance parties and singing 'Wheels on the Bus', 'BINGO' and your 'ABCs'.  You are a whiz at puzzles and love to read books.  You' re a very loving little boy, giving lots of 'leg hugs' and saying 'love you'. 

Ashton Trex, we love you to pieces!   

Happy 2nd bday, Ashton!!


Good morning!

Bday gifts!

Oooh!  A fishing rod!

Blocks - my fav!

Can't wait to take my new wagon for a spin this spring. :)

Hmmm...which one should I chose!

Selecting the lucky one.
K & J

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Merry Christmas

We spent a quiet Christmas in Cleveland this year.  Ashton had a great day and his excitement was truly contagious (see videos below for evidence)! We lounged around the whole day in pjs, playing with all of his new toys, eating yummy foods and watching Christmas movies. 
Our Xmas Card this year :)

Pure joy!

Oh my!
So excited!

Playing with one of his new train tracks.

K &  J

Monday, February 3, 2014

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we went to the children's mass and then had dinner with our friends, Vivi & Scott and their kids.  Christmas Eve mass is the children's service, complete with a Christmas pageant.  It's a really nice mass and very kid friendly - they even hand out bells so the kids can 'play' along with the music.  They also distribute candles to light during the closing's very pretty.  Ashton made friends with another little boy in the row in front of us and they decided to have a sword fight with the aforementioned candles.  Boys!   

Santa won't mind if I just have a bite, right?  ;)
Just can't resist!

'Twas the Night Before Christmas 

Someone was a good boy this year!

K & J