Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Elise's 6 Month Pics

Since I just scheduled Elise's 1 year pics to be taken, I figured it was timely to post her 6 month pics.  :)

It was HOT HOT HOT the day of the pictures and Ashton or Rascal 1, as I affectionately call him, was being especially rascally.  Getting the sibling shot was tough!  Afterwards, we let Ashton run around and it wasn't too long after that he came running up excitedly shouting that that he found a snake.  Well, he wasn't kidding!  Fortunately it was dead, since he then proceeded to pick it up!  BOYS!  Elise was a very good girl and continued to prove that bald is beautiful.  Such a sweet gal.


K & J

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Singing songs

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I’m terrible with song lyrics.  I routinely get them wrong but continue to sing along, blissfully unaware.  Recently, when I was singing 'You Are My Sunshine' to Elise before bed, Ashton came in and said, 'Hey, No Mommy…that’s my song.'  Ooops!   I’ve been outed!  The poor child doesn’t know that that is one of the few songs that I know the words too.

I do have little ‘songs’ that I sing to Ashton and Elise though…more like refrains that I repeat.  Elise’s song as a baby was, ‘Hey there pretty lady, you’re my pretty little baby, hey, hey.’  Her song has now morphed into, ‘Beauty Girl, Rock my World, You’re so Bea-u-ti-ful’.  Ashton’s song as a babe was (and still is) ‘Hey now, little Tuka, little Tuka Taylor, you're my little sweet boy and you love trucks and trains'.

I know…I won’t be quitting my day job as a song writer – or singer for that matter. 😊