Friday, February 22, 2013

Long Live the Baby Mullet

It was brought to my attention over the holidays that Ashton was developing something of a baby mullet.  As his mama, I found this very endearing and loved his long hair.  After much counsel, I was conviced that he could use a trim.  So, alas, against my better judgement, Ashton got his first haircut. 

He did great! The woman was so nice, waiting for me to get there (I was running late after work) and she put him right at ease.  He still looks as cute as ever of course but I’m sad to say, a tad older.  Sniff, sniff.


Oh no!  Where did my trademark locks go?

Promise it will grow back?
The final step...the hair dryer.  He wasn't a huge fan.
They had a cool train track for the kids to watch.

K & J

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Holiday Round Up

Better late than never I hope - I wanted to share the remainder of our holiday pics.  After Ashton's party, my mom, sister and Josh hung around for a few extra days.  It was was nice to have some R&R with them after the holiday/party craziness.  We checked out a few local watering holes (thanks for babysitting Grammy!) and genuinely had fun just loving up on Ashton.  You can't spoil a child with love, right?  Let's hope so!  He's a very loved and lucky little boy.

Fun with Aunt Erin & Uncle Josh!

Reading on the iPad with Grammy
Aunt Erin is so much fun!
Taking another spin on his new fire truck
Opening a few final gifts
Ringing in the New Year!
K & J

Saturday, February 9, 2013

First Snowfall

We took a quick trip outside to enjoy Ashton’s first REAL snowfall.  Grandma Nat made the excellent suggestion to use his baby tub as a sled and it worked like a charm!  I’m still not sure that he knew what to make of it all but Jeff and I had fun wheeling him around the back yard. :)

K & J