Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy One Month Birthday, Ashton!

They say time flies when you're having fun....well, judging by how quickly the last month has gone, we're having a blast!

Ashton turned one month old today.  One of his favorite things to do is, you guessed it, sleep (a boy after his mom and dad's heart!).  He has stretched his night sleeping to every 3 hours (usually) vs. his initial stretch of 2-3 hours.  It's amazing what a difference even that extra hour makes for his sleep deprived parents. 

He's a great eater and is even taking one bottle a day from Jeff now.  We were worried that he wouldn't take immediately to the bottle but no problems there...he doesn't care where it comes from as long as he's getting his milk!  Dial forward 15 years and no doubt he'll be eating us out of house and home! 

Ashton also still loves the bath - he's so relaxed in there, it seems like he could almost fall asleep.  He isn't crazy about his getting his lotion put on afterwards and the process of getting dressed however (those darn onesies are hard to get on when your skin is all lotioned up).  Speaking of spa treatments, he's also had several mani and pedis as his nails grow like crazy and unless they are filed down, they could take your eye out! 

He's incredibly strong, especially his little neck which gets a daily work out during tummy time.  To say he likes tummy time would be generous but he's getting better at tolerating it.  He's also recently discovered his hands...he holds them together and also uses them to suck on.  He very much likes the motion of the car and his swing.  Pair the motion of either with some gentling shhhhing or white noise (pacifer and swaddle blanket optional) and your chances of a sleeping baby are pretty good.

His one-month check up with the pediatrician is on Monday, January 30th...fingers crossed for good weight gain and not too much crying (he has to get a shot).

Sleepy head!

Enjoying the swing

Go Blue Hens!

Big foot! :)  And double jointed toes...


K & J

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Party at My Crib

As Ashton's room is nearly complete (for now anyway), I thought I'd share some pics.  We decided to go with a whale/nautical theme in honor of our love of the ocean/Jeff growing up on the beach.  No pressure, Ashton, but we REALLY hope you like the water. :)

Thanks to Grammy and Grandad for helping Jeff paint the walls and stripes and thanks to Grandaddy for helping to hang the nautical flag artwork above the crib.  The flags spell out Ashton's name, for those of you who were wondering what the significance may be and were a find on Etsy (love that site!).

Now, we just need to transition the little man to his new room. Baby steps!

K & J

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Newborn Pics - Ashton, 10 days old

While I was still pregnant, I came across a wonderful photographer, Rachel Cohara, and decided to book her for newborn photos of Ashton.  Apparently, the ideal time for these pics to be taken is btwn 6-10 days old, so the day after he was born, we called Rachel to schedule a session.  The great thing is Rachel comes to your house, so you never have to leave the comforts of home.  This was especially convenient since we had snow and it was 20 degrees outside - not ideal for taking out your newborn. :)

As I look back today (it's Ashton's 3 wk bday!), I can see how much he's changed already.  I'm so happy that we have the photos as a wonderful keepsake to treasure those initial days with him.

K & J

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Getting to Know Our New Little Man

It's only been two weeks since Ashton made his way into our world and yet I find myself wondering what we ever did without him.  He's been a wonderful baby!  He has a very calm and pleasant demeanor and really only cries when he needs something.  He's sleeping okay - he's usually up every 2-3hrs but with a stomach the size of a walnut, what can you expect! :)

His one week check up with the pediatrician went great.  He gained 8 oz and got a clean bill of health from the doctor.  His next appointment will be on January 30th for his one month check up.  He also had his first bath, which he loved.  I was expecting lots of crying and squirming but he really seemed to like the water - yippee!  On day 8, his umbilical cord fell off.  I should clarify that when I say it 'fell off', Jeff did some assisting.  He swears it was hanging on by a thread!

We've had several visitors to meet the little man.  As I mentioned, my mom and sister both made the trip out while we were still in the hospital.  It was great to have them here and they were very helpful as I was getting back on my feet.  Next, Jeff's parents, Grandma Nat and Grandaddy, arrived on New Year's Day to meet Ashton, their first grandchild.  We had a very nice visit with them also - lots of time was spent cuddling and holding the little man.  And they even helped us take down our Christmas decorations!

Now, it's just the three of us and I'm happy to report that we're faring well! It's been a huge help having Jeff off and so nice for us to be able to spend time as a new family.  :)

Little angel

Aunt Erin

Watch cat

Ashton's first piece of mail

Grandma Nat


Three generations of Taylor men

First Bath!


K & J

Monday, January 9, 2012

Introducing Ashton Trex Taylor!!

On December 27, 2011 at 3:18am, we welcomed into the world Ashton Trex Taylor!  He's absolutely perfect and we couldn't be any happier to have him in our lives.  The story of his grand entrance went something like this...

The lead up to Christmas was busy as usual.  I was working up until the 23rd, Jeff worked on Christmas eve and then he and I spent a quiet Christmas in Cleveland given Baby T's pending arrival.  We went to church Christmas morning, came home, opened gifts, took some last minute belly pics (see previous post), watched movies and had a yummy dinner of ham and lobster mac and cheese. All in all, a very relaxing day.  Little did we know it would be our last day as a twosome...

At 10am the next morning, my water broke (fortunately while I was at home).  I called my Dr. and she told us to come into the hospital as soon as we were able.  The only challenge was that my car (with the car seat already installed) was in the shop and Jeff had an appointment to have an oil change for his car that morning.  We decided to stick to our original plan as I wasn't having any major contractions yet.  So, Jeff went on his way to deal with the cars and I decided to rest in bed, shower and oh yes, do my nails (I now see that this is slightly crazy/funny!?!)     

I also called my mom, who incidentally was already on her way driving out to Cleveland in anticipation of Baby T's arrival (what can I say, drive and he will come!).  In hindsight, I wish I had waited until we were at the hospital bc I'm sure the next 7 hours of her trip were harried knowing that I was going into labor.

In any event, we arrived at the hospital at 2pm on the 26th December.  Unfortunately, I was only 1cm dilated and told that I 'looked too comfortable' to be in active labor yet.  I attributed my calm demeanor to all of my prenatal yoga and thought positively that I was going to be one of those lucky women who breathed her way calmly and coolly through delivery, coming out a bit tired, but overall fairly unruffled.  Yes, I was that naive and blissfully optimistic. :)

There was talk of Pitocin to induce my contractions but I wanted to see how things would progress naturally.  So we kicked on the iPod, turned down the lights and I tried to relax while sitting on the birthing ball to get things moving.  After 3 hours though and very little progress, I was strongly urged to start Pitocin.  I ultimately agreed and things began to get intense VERY quickly. 

I was still holding out on pain meds as I didn't want to be confined to the bed for any longer than necessary.  I began walking the halls to try and speed things up and also distract myself.  The pain was getting worse though and I knew I was starting to reach my breaking point when I told Jeff to get 'his sweaty hand off me' (it was the pain talking! :D).  So, after about 12 hours, and at 6cm dilated, I decided I had had enough and opted for some pain relief (via an epidural).  OMG - heaven!  Why didn't I do that sooner?

Several hours later, I was told I was ready to push.  So, we cranked up the music, and I began pushing.  After 2 hours of pushing, at 3:18am, the little man made his way to into the world with Led Zeppelin piping in the background (don't ask me what song).  He weighed 6lbs 12oz and measured 20 1/4 inches long.

What a wonderful day!  It will definitely go down as one of the most memorable and best days of my life...after only 2 wks with Ashton, I can't remember what we ever did without him.  I'm so thankful that Jeff and my mom were by my side during such a special event - we are truly blessed!  

University Hospital, Cleveland, OH

First family photo

Proud papa

Grammy's in love. :)

Whew....I'm spent!

Sleeping beauty

Aunt Erin flew in to meet her new nephew and see us at the hospital!

Mommy's little peanut

Love that face!

Heading home outfit - thanks, Aunt Anna, for my hat and booties.

Leaving the hospital with our new baby boy
K & J